Tara Calico went missing from Belen, New Mexico in 1988 while going on her daily bike ride. Tara’s case captivated the nation when a Polaroid of a woman who many still believe is Tara was found in 1989. This case has remained unsolved for decades. But Tara’s case gained a lot of new interest nearly 20 years later when the new Sheriff stated that he believed he knew exactly what happened to Tara Calico. But was unable to make an arrest due to the responsible parties being so well connected.
If you have any information about the disappearance of Tara Calico, please call the FBI at (505) 889-1300 or send information online at tips.fbi.gov.
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Much of my research came from the amazing work done by Melinda Esquibel on her podcast, Vanished: The Tara Calico Investigation. Listen to the podcast and learn more at https://www.taracalico.com/
Bedo, Stephanie. “Haunting Story behind This Polaroid.” News.com.au - Australia's Leading News Site, 5 Oct. 2019, www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/tara-calico-mystery-is-the-girl-in-the-photo-really-her/news-story/a6c2dd5ec120bf62a770d56befacd69f.
Associated Press. “2 Missing New Mexico Youths May Be Pair in Florida Photo.” Arizona Republic, 31 July 1989, p. C5. Newspapers.com, www.newspapers.com/clip/83725012/2-missing-new-mexico-youths-may-be-pair/.
Associated Press. “Missing Children Spotted in Photo Found in Fla.” Press and Sun-Bulletin, 2 Aug. 1989, p. 5A. Newspapers.com, www.newspapers.com/clip/83725330/missing-children-spotted-in-photo-found/.
Carlson, Adam. “New Activity in Teen's Cold-Case Disappearance While Biking: Answers May Be Hiding in Her Community.” PEOPLE.com, 22 June 2018, people.com/crime/tara-calico-new-mexico-missing-theories-new-leads/.
Carlson, Adam. “Tara Calico Mystery: The True Story Behind Notorious Polaroid Showing a Girl and BOY Bound in a Van.” PEOPLE.com, 25 June 2015, people.com/crime/tara-calico-polaroid-photo-true-story/.
Dingman, Tracy. “Parents Retain Hope Daughter Remains Alive.” Albuquerque Journal, 6 July 1991, pp. A1–A3.
Garcia, Clara. “Area Woman Sought 15 Years Later.” Albuquerque Journal, 20 Sept. 2003, pp. E1–E2. Newspapers.com, www.newspapers.com/clip/83725129/area-woman-sought-15-years-later/.
Garcia, Clara. “Tara Calico Has Been Missing for 25 Years.” Albuquerque Journal, 19 Sept. 2013, www.abqjournal.com/265671/tara-calico-has-been-missing-for-25-years.html.
Gomez, Adrian. “Film Tells about Woman Missing since 1988.” Albuquerque Journal, 23 July 2014, www.abqjournal.com/433766/x-yx-yx-yx-yx-yx-yx-xy-xyxy-xy-13.html.
Gutierrez Krueger, Joline. “Thirty Years Later, No Sign of Tara Calico.” Albuquerque Journal, 20 Sept. 2018, pp. A1–A7. Newspapers.com, www.newspapers.com/clip/83725527/thirty-years-later-no-sign-of-tara-cali/.
Gutierrez-Krueger / Journal Staff Writer, Joline. “Thirty Years Later, No Sign of Tara Calico.” Albuquerque Journal, 20 Sept. 2018, www.abqjournal.com/1223017/thirty-years-later-no-sign-of-tara-calico.html.
“John F Kennedy Campground.” Google Maps, Google, www.google.com/maps/place/John+F+Kennedy+Campground/@34.610242,-106.6521395,10z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7642e4d4948506db!8m2!3d34.6714481!4d-106.4680756.
KRQE. “Renewed Hope for Answers 29 Years After Disappearance of Tara Calico.” YouTube, 20 Sept. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM2oPGLoZ8M.
Laflin, Nancy. “FBI Hopes New Photo Will Help Shed Light on Tara Calico Case.” KOAT, 21 Sept. 2018, www.koat.com/article/fbi-hopes-new-photo-will-help-shed-light-on-tara-calico-case/23342106#.
Lintchicum, Leslie. “Mystery of Tara Calico.” Albuquerque Journal, 14 Sept. 2008, pp. A1–A2. Newspapers.com.
Perez, Nicole. “Case Reopens into 1988 Disappearance.” Albuquerque Journal, 3 Oct. 2013, pp. A1–A2. Newspapers.com.
Rodriguez, Christina. “FBI Offers $20K Reward in Tara Calico Case.” KOB 4, KOB, 1 Oct. 2019, www.kob.com/albuquerque-news/fbi-offers-20k-reward-in-tara-calico-case-/5512107/.
Rosalie Rayburn / Journal Staff Writer. “Filmmaker Hopes DOCUMENTARY, Podcast Can Help Solve Tara Calico Mys...” Albuquerque Journal, 8 July 2017, www.abqjournal.com/1030018/filmmaker-hopes-documentary-podcast-can-help-solve-tara-calico-mystery.html.
Sanchez, Arley. “Police Clear Suspect in Tara Calico Case.” Albuquerque Journal, 12 Aug. 1989. pp. A1-A3. Newspapers.com.
Smith, Toby. “Where's Tara Calico?” Albuquerque Journal, 3 Nov. 1996, pp. A1–A10. Newspapers.com.
The Tara Calico Investigation, www.taracalico.com/.
“The Tara Calico Story.” Facebook, www.facebook.com/TheTaraCalicoStory/.
“Tara Leigh Calico.” The Charley Project, charleyproject.org/case/tara-leigh-calico.
“TARA Leigh Calico.” FBI, FBI, 11 Sept. 2017, www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/tara-leigh-calico.
“Unsolved Mysteries-Tara Calico.” YouTube, YouTube, 5 June 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIFkfQzyoIg&t=4s.
Valencia Campus | The University of New Mexico, valencia.unm.edu/.
Vallez, Kim. “Renewed Hope for Answers 29 Years After Disappearance of Tara Calico.”
KRQE NEWS 13 - Breaking News, Albuquerque News, New Mexico News, Weather, and Videos, KRQE NEWS 13 - Breaking News, Albuquerque News, New Mexico News, Weather, and Videos, 20 Sept. 2017, www.krqe.com/news/renewed-hope-for-answers-29-years-after-disappearance-of-tara-calico/.