Today I am discussing the case of Howard Brown. Howard was hit and killed by a motorist in Paradise Valley, Arizona in November 2015. This motorist was 20-year-old Paige Denbow, daughter of then Vice Mayor of Paradise Valley, Paul Dembow. Paige’s father arrived at the crash scene quickly after she hit Howard Brown and took his daughter home approximately 30 minutes after the crash.
Paige was able to leave the scene without being tested for intoxication. When a Paradise Valley Police officer and a Detective from a neighboring police department arrived at the Dembow residence approximately 2 hours after the crash to speak with Paige, she was gone, and Paul Dembow had retained legal counsel for his daughter.
6 years later, in large part because of how little evidence was collected at the scene of the crash, Howard Brown’s family is still fighting for records, answers, and justice.
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Barry, Jason. “Family Upset after Memorial Cross Is Stolen from Paradise Valley Crash Site.” AZFamily, 1 July 2021,
Blasius, Melissa. “Did PV PD Give Preference to Councilman's Child?” KNXV, KNXV, 1 Apr. 2016,
“Cost of Living in Paradise Valley, Arizona.” PayScale,
“Council Member Paul Dembow.” Council Member Paul Dembow | Paradise Valley, AZ - Official Website,
Dillingham, Jared. “Paradise Valley Family Continues to Question Deadly Crash Investigation.” AZFamily, 22 Sept. 2017,
Kennedy, Author: Kevin. “Body Camera Video Seems to Dispute Paradise Valley Favoritism Claim.” 12news.Com, 5 Apr. 2016,
Lemons, Stephen. “Joe Arpaio's Ex-Mouthpiece Tim Casey Targets 20-Year-Old Paradise Valley Woman; Local TV Takes His Bait.” Phoenix New Times, Phoenix New Times, 22 June 2021,
Magahern, Jimmy. “Trouble in Paradise.” PHOENIX Magazine, 27 Apr. 2019,
“Paradise Valley Town Councilman Accused of Stealing Cross from Memorial.” KJZZ, 20 July 2021,
“Paradise Valley's Great Mystery & the Dembow Dilemma.” Arizona Progress Gazette, 10 July 2021,
“Remembering Howard.” MADD Arizona State Office,
Rosequist, Melissa. “Brown Family Remains Committed to Holding Paradise Valley Accountable for Death of Patriarch.” Your Valley, Your Valley, 19 Feb. 2020,,140778.
Rosequist, Melissa. “Paradise Valley Memorial Cross Removed.” YouTube,
Rosequist, Melissa. “Paradise Valley Official Accused of Stealing Memorial Cross.” Your Valley, Your Valley, 1 July 2021,,244085?fbclid=IwAR3YAFCX1Z3yITcDyUjbrdb8yeIFtWkxvq1iPx0oMOnn1buyl5VgAZSxcio.
Theumphx. “Paradise Valley Councilman Accused of Stealing Cross from Memorial.” The Upper Middle, 16 July 2021,
Turney, Sarah. “Interview with Judith Brown, Judith Lee Brown, and Elizabeth Brown.” 30 August 2021.
“Unanimous Defense Verdict in Highly-Publicized Wrongful Death Lawsuit.” JD Supra,
Video: Police Question Daughter of Paradise ... - Youtube. ABC 15,